Phone & Address Look-up Back
Find 800 Numbers

Use the AT&T 800 Directory to find a company's toll-free number.

Company name:

Business Phone Numbers

The NYNEX Yellow Pages include the entire U.S.

Select up to five states:

Business name: (required)

Business type:


Area and Country Codes

Use the AmeriCom Long Distance Area Decoder to look up area codes and country codes.





Zip Code Information
Whether you're looking for a 5-digit zip code or the 4-digit zip code extension, use this form from the U.S. Postal Service.

Company name (optional)

Urbanization name (Puerto Rico only)

Delivery address

City State and/or zip code


Verify Addresses

Thanks to the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition, you can verify addresses, look up zip codes and print barcodes for faster mailing.



Find E-Mail Addresses And Personal Web Pages

LookUP! Directory has a huge e-mail database.

Enter either the last name or first and last name.

FOUR11 White Page Directory includes both e-mail addresses and home pages. All Internet users are provided a free listing. Find old friends by searching for your past college or high school.

Enter either the last name or first and last name.


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